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Motor Fleet Insurance

Fleet insurance can be taken out if you have 2 or more vehicles and can simplify managing and keeping track of your fleet as they are all combined onto a single policy with one renewal date. Fleet insurance can consist of company cars, vans, motorbikes, taxis, HGV’S, LGV’S or a mixture of them all. With […]

Lloyd’s Trivia and Interesting Facts

The first known reference to Edward Lloyd’s Coffee House in Tower Street London was in 1688. Edward Lloyd encouraged ships’ captains, owners and merchants to visit his establishment. Lloyd’s gained an enviable reputation for providing trustworthy shipping news and became recognised as the place for obtaining both information and marine insurance. The First publication of […]

Drone Incident at Gatwick/Travel Insurance

Lots of people were affected by the recent drone incident affecting flights at Gatwick airport, the majority of travel insurers have since advised that they will consider claims under the Cancellation/Curtailment section only as it has now been publicly announced that the disruption at Gatwick has been deemed a criminal act. It is illegal to […]

Under-insurance of Home Contents

Typically, an individual only realises that are under-insured when they have to make a claim, by which time it is unfortunately too late. A recent YouGov survey indicated 65% of high net worth home owners were confident they knew the value of their home and contents, yet other research suggests that 80% of people in […]

Club Protection Insurance

Thanks to all the Clubs who renewed their Club Protection Policy, continuing to protect the committee as well as members for the forthcoming year. Fidentia’s Club Protection Policy offers financial protection to the committee as well as members against the legal costs involved in the event of a liability claim being made, either by another […]

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